What will you do with your one wild and precious life?

—Mary Oliver

You are on this earth to use your gifts. Don’t let stress, pain or discomfort get in the way. I’m Cara Brockbank. I use gentle acupuncture and herbal remedies to help my clients rest, revitalize and rebalance — so you can free your energy to do what you’re here to do .

It’s hard to enjoy life when you can’t relax. I treat stress and anxiety at the root to restore your body to a state of calm you didn’t realize was possible. Imagine what else you’ll discover.

Big transitions—menstruation, pregnancy and menopause— are a natural part of life. But cramps, headaches, hot flashes, mood swings and insomnia don’t have to be. Let’s get you back in balance.

Do you feel run down? Are you always catching colds? Do you suffer from auto-immune issues? By strengthening your body’s self-regulation, we will restore harmony within yourself and with the world around you.

Food nourishes us. By getting your digestive system in happy, running order, we can improve your energy, mood, skin and overall health. Food is life.

Pain is your body’s sign to pay attention. We will identify and treat the causes of pain with gentle remedies that bring you relief — so you can stop thinking about what hurts and start thinking about how you want to live.

Hi, I'm Cara

The acupuncture I practice is a gentle form of healing, often supported by herbs and simple exercises. I work at a pace you’re comfortable with, uncovering root causes, resetting your system so that your body can re-learn to take care of itself.